İtalya ve seçim UNWTO Genel Sekreter

Tourism in Italy has a unique feature which constitutes its pillar. The country has an extraordinary wealth of World Heritage sites, no less than 55, the largest number in a country, an honor shared with China, in addition to the wealth of museums. For Italy, therefore, museum and cultural tourism is central.

Since 2006, when she was Minister of Culture of her country, HE Mai Al Khalifa promoted a global initiative, “Investing in Culture,” which has carried out 20 cultural tourism projects, restoration of historic buildings and World Heritage sites to over $125 million.

This precedent makes her proposal to establish a Global Assistance Fund for the reactivation of international tourism when the pandemic crisis is overcome, worthy of attention and credible and is a guarantee of sensitivity to an issue of priority importance for Italy.

The reactivation that is needed requires vision and wide-ranging projects. Thinking that one can do it alone or within the bilateral actions illustrated in the UNWTO statement on meetings in Italy is illusory.

The model proposed by HE Al Khalifa and her wide-ranging vision transcend the area of ​​tourism and can be borrowed from other international agencies, some of which, such as FAO, are of great interest for Italy and with reactivation problems when the pandemic will be over similar to those of the UNWTO.

The budget structure of these agencies is based on the statutory contributions of the countries to which are added the so-called voluntary contributions with a defined purpose. Consequently, the programs thus implemented only in a very broad sense fit into the long-term ones of the organization and often rather reflect the result of bilateral negotiations between donors and beneficiaries in a process in which the role of the agency is intermediate between that of broker and notary.

While this note was about to be published, a note in Italian finally appeared on the web.

It argues that the letter from the two previous Secretary Generals would be evidence of a power struggle to continue (sic!) to control UNWTO and states that “The current leaders … believe that the date set for the elections cannot be postponed because the agreement of the executive committee cannot be postponed.”

The first statement speaks for itself. What greater continuity than a re-election? Nor does the explanation of why a postponement would be impossible explain anything. Indeed, it would seem that the haste of a quick publication has produced the blind kitten when the note refers to a postponed (?) agreement. (Perhaps it was meant revised, canceled, ignored).

The letter has been known for a long time. The previous day’s note seems to indicate that common sense and the need to guarantee the OMT the standards of transparency and fairness that (almost) all of us expect from a United Nations organization are emerging. We are confident, or rather certain, that the Government of Italy will do well.

The World Tourism Network için çağırdı edep UNWTO seçimler, and its campaign has gained worldwide support.

# rebuildingtravel


Yazar hakkında

Galileo Keman
